Monday, January 01, 2007

In with the new

Students and faculty spent the entire evening playing games. The Headmaster insisted on keeping a cumulative score - being the competitive freakball that he is. He was beaten in EVERY game by a 14 year-old substitute teacher, so he is likely to be a little cranky in the morning. Well, that plus the heavy drinking and all.

Appetizers were served throughout the evening, and WOW were they YUMMY! BUT OK - THAT IS IT!! This represents the LAST day of the holidays, and there will be a SERIOUS reduction in caloric intake around here, starting TOMORROW. Oh wait, we're having turkey with stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy. Plus we'll have to finish all that egg nog. And the brownies from this evening. Ok, maybe we can go one more day.

The Headmaster wishes a happy, prosperous and competitive New Year to all!


21 Charles Street said...

I can just see the substitute in the game frenzy mode - a lot of Chandler in that one...

Wishing you all a great 'new' year. Jim your photos just blow me away. I love visiting your site each day. Such a treat.