Friday, January 19, 2007

All Partied Out

When the Headmistress plans a party, the Headmaster tries to help out as best he can. It is the least I can do, after all the Headmistress does schlep off to work everyday, and her efforts do represent the Academy's entire stream of income. So you can just imagine how she felt - how loved, how supported, how positively blessed she felt - when she arrived home from a difficult week at work, and an even more difficult commute from Virginia, to find that I'd gone through all the trouble of starting a living room remodel project. I even skipped making dinner just to make more progress in my demolition. I mean, there are tarps covering everything in sight, there are gaping holes in the ceiling, through which the room is filled with the cold January air, there is drywall and insulation dust all over EVERYTHING, and there are exposed wires everywhere. Gosh, its enough to make a woman positively blush with pride!

And she certainly did blush. She walked in to the living room, gasped, gaped, staggered, stared for a while, and then ran off to the bedroom. I've never quite seen such a deep color of red in a human face. Wow, it certainly is true that 4" Insulated Small-Aperture Air-tite Recessed Light Housings are a girl's best friend.

Think I'll just set here a spell until she's had a chance to digest it all. I've got a feeling the Headmaster is getting lucky tonight!


Lisa said...

Oh, yeah, Jim.. I bet you're gonna have one, long, hot, sweaty, night, alright. I'm thinking there's gonna be lot's of screaming. And I'm thinking there's gonna be lots of obscene-like language.

Bad news for you, tho', Bro, cuz I'm thinking you're gonna be doing all the sweating patching that drywall in the ceiling. And the screaming and obscenity? I'm thinking Diane's gonna have a sore throat at the party tomorrow, once she's let you have it.

On behalf of all the wifey-hostesses out there--what the frick were you thinking? Strike that. Were you thinking? At all? Anything?

Party on, Dude. (And Dude, I'm not judgmentating you. I'm just telling the truth. For shizzle.) Feel the love.

21 Charles Street said...

I'm dittoing Lisa Bro - What the &*#! were you thinking. Like, are you really going to have a party tomorrow. Oh my GAWD Marion.

Dollymama said...

OOOOOOOOHHHHHH! Your in trouble. I can smell the shit storm from Texas.