Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Holy See, Batman!

Last night, the Academy's blog received a visit from the Vatican. Yikes! You don't suppose it was... naw... couldn't be. Could it?

Perhaps it was only the Secretariat of State, come to divine bookcase construction for the Vatican's extensive collection of antique map folios. With my luck, it was merely someone from one of the nine Congregations - in fact, probably the ninth. Or someone from the third Tribunal. Oh horrors - what if it was simply a member of one of those eleven Pontifical Councils? They'll let anyone into blogs these days.

Still, just to be on the safe side, I think I'll clean up my act a bit. Now where did I leave that carafe of Kool-Aid?


Dollymama said...

I am pretty sure they had something to say about the "free bread and wine" from Christmas. HA!

Jim Chandler said...

Oops - guess I went over the top with that one! Well, it was free, technically.

21 Charles Street said...

So that would mean you didn't put anything in the collection plate...
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - I think that's like a subvenial.