Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The science of science

Yesterday, we focused on science. For the first time. Really.

I mean, we've done Science before, but more like Wierd Science. Like, "blowing stuff up" science. Hypothesis: flammable liquid will burn. Method: soak object with flammable liquids, light with match. Control: everything that's not soaked with flammable liquids. Observations: WOAH! Results: Toast. Conclusions: Waaaay coooooool!

I hated science as a kid. Studying periodic tables. Dissecting live animals. Stirring liquids with a glass rod. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. What the heck did I learn from it? Can't think of a thing.

Anyway, yesterday's goal was to conclude an experiment we set up and conducted over the last 5 days - How a Plant Absorbs Water. (yaaaawn)

Actually, I would have been bored, but I LOVE methodology, and I love documenting stuff. Its what I do best. Need a boring Technical Manual or User's Guide? I'm your man. I once wrote a 150-page business plan from scratch in two days, with page after page of complex custom diagrams and graphics. Man, did I reek on day three.

But for this first experiement, we didn't go all out on the documentation part - rather than plan and document throughout the experiment, what we did was more like a post-mortem. Still, it was enough to help the students begin to think about, and to understand, the methodology of scientific experimentation. And you have to love a subject where you can teach skills for real-life and throw in a writing exercise to boot.

In the end, their experiment proved only that their hypothesis was incorrect, but in doing so, I think they understood that there is more to experimentation than meets the eye, or the flaming match.

I think we're gonna like Science.