Saturday, October 07, 2006

Well ok, but not a full liter!

Kyle is such a little list-maker. He's always scratching something into a notebook. List of songs. List of movies. List of things he wants to buy. List of things he plans to make in his factory.

Here was a list from yesterday. List of beers he wants to try.

GAWD!! Where did I go wrong?!! I mean, just LOOK at that handwriting!


Anonymous said...


I'm glad to see you're up at 3 a.m. worrying about handwriting from your son's list of beers. You, my friend, have your priorities straight.

I mean, were I you, and I'm not saying this is the way to go or anything, but the thing that would trouble me about this list from a seven year old, and please don't be offended 'cuz I could be wrong here, and, uh, I’m certainly no expert, nor am I one to force my values on other people, but, uh, considering his age, and societal pressures, and the cumulative effects of poor choices made during the tender youth years, and the fact that prurient interests can have adverse effects in later life, and, well, you are his parent, and as a homeschooling parent, no less, you are pretty much responsible for not only his education but you'll be blamed for just about everything for the rest of his life, are you at all concerned about the spelling? :-)

Main Entry: pru•ri•ent
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin prurire to itch, crave; akin to Latin pruna glowing coal,

marked by or arousing an immoderate or unwholesome interest or desire