Friday, December 22, 2006

Chat de Café

Things started out well enough this morning: I got up. It went downhill from there.

While I was folding some laundry, the Academy's mascot hatched an ill-conceived plan to visit the top of the dryer and check things out. Of course, she came up an inch or two short, which is normally an entertaining diversion - claws out, eyes wide, clamoring for traction and eventually succumbing to the effects of gravity. But on this particular occasion, the juxtaposition of certain objects - specifically, a cup of hot coffee perched on a white turtleneck above, and a basket of folded whites below - made for a catastrophic ending.

What, at the time, seemed like a very peaceful exercise, quickly turned to hell in a handbasket. I didn't even see it coming. I heard a little meow, the sound of claws scratching metal, and turned just in time to watch the cat, turtleneck and cup of coffee land in the basket all at once. This was followed by the wails of scalded cat bouncing around the laundry room like a rubber ball.

I was horrified! Thoughts raced through my mind like lightning - what if it had done some real harm?! I bent down to check it out. After some poking and prodding, and close examination, I am happy to report that the load of whites was undamaged.

I must admit though, as I loaded them into the washer AGAIN, that the thought of throwing the cat in with them did cross my mind. Then I remembered the pain of our last visit to the veterinarian.

postscript - no cats were harmed in the making of this blog entry.


Dollymama said...
