My Head's All Bloggy
Its been so long since I blogged, I actually forgot how to log in. Sigh.... this work stuff is for the birds. I logged 40 hours over the weekend, starting on Friday. So that gives you some idea of the workload I have. The good news is the client does seem to love my work. I've had no fewer than 6 managers ask me to come work for them as a full-time employee. I declined all of them, since working "full-time" would mean scaling back my hours at this point.
Its all very frustrating in a way. I had submitted some draft copy for an executive summary, and I'd created my own graphic to illustrate an understanding of their client's problem. They took my graphic and sent it to their "Graphics Artist". What came back was the most unprofessional hack job I've ever seen. It looked like really bad clip art. It was monochromatic green, the fonts were inconsistent and running into borders, and the "drop shadow" they put on it was mis-shaped and coming from the wrong lighting perspective. And that was supposed to be an improvement?! I mean, do I have to DO EVERYTHING?! Anyway, I wish I could show the "before" and "after" graphics, but everything I create for them is proprietary.
The frustration inspired me to start taking some graphics tutorials. Today's was using texture masks on layers, then applying transparencies. I tried it out on a photo I had of Joshua sleeping. I need more practice, but its a cool technique.
That's all for now. Back to work!





Yeah, McCranky is back!
Bloggy? Good one.
Cool texture technique, but very disturbing on your beautiful baby.
Hey, Superman, I don't know how you do it all. You scare me. How can we help you out, dude?
Cool texture stuff Brother - but is that a booger in his left nostril? Miss you!
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