Some reasons to love Qatar
Sorry about the recent photo-centric posts. I don't have time to write anything anymore!
These are pics from my trip to Qatar in 2004. I sure do miss 110 degrees in the shade. And working 18 hour days. Seven days a week. Sleeping in tents. With 200 snoring guys....
The waterfront - fish market

Three restaurants at the waterfront

Middle-class housing

A country built with TCNs

Water, water everywhere...

...not a drop to drink

Gorgeous buildings being constructed everywhere you turn

Strolling the waterfront

I loved the contrast of a power walk in an abaya/niqab with nike sneakers

No sneakers for you

Kids are kids, everywhere

More construction

Slight sandstorm

New Mosque

Good fences make good neighbors

Waterfront restaurant


Poured concrete construction for everything

Hm.. this looks oddly familiar

Stare contest - GO

Non-descript highway

Pottery was dirt cheap

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