Saturday, May 12, 2007

I had no idea the heck to get into my blog - that's how long its been since I posted.

To update on the project outlined so eloquently (with rhymes, even!) at, here are some pics of the brick demolition. Now that the first 6 courses are gone, the windows can be installed. After that, the new stone ledge goes in, and then I can install stone over the existing brick. I went and priced the stone today. Uh... maybe we'll install it one stone per week, for the next 50 years.


Lisa said...

Hey, Jim, WOW! Here I thought you were all psycho and house-demolition-derbyesque, but, damn, you've really got a plan and are moving forward. Verrrrry impressive. Is there anything you can't do?

Dollymama said...

OMG you are riping the exterior off your house! PANIC ATTACK!!!! Hubby is wanting to do the same to ours. It is SO not happening. Seeing the photos you put up freaks me out even more. I am hiring that out! Oh and Hi! How have you been?

Jim Chandler said...

Oh, I ampsycho. In fact, I'm a mess...

Jim Chandler said...

Mrs. Quad, let him do it! Really. We all need to rip the exterior off the house once in a while.

I'm heading back to work tomorrow, so I probably won't post for a while again...